
Surveys for students

The aim of these surveys is to find out the causes of absenteeism and the skills that students consider most relevant for their professional lives.

The surveys were sent to students in the subjects taught by ASAP-UPC teachers through Atenea or by emails sent by the teachers themselves. In some cases, time was left in class to be able to answer them.

3 surveys have been developed. The second survey arises from a review of the first in which the aim was to better identify the causes of absenteeism. The third survey corresponds to the final survey of the project, when the causes have already been identified and we focus on the most valued skills.

At the end of the project, a final, brief survey was prepared to determine whether increasing classroom attendance could be achieved by working more deeply on the competencies that companies had identified as key competencies.

Survey for teachers

The objective of the survey is multiple: to know what type of teaching is taught, the perception of teachers about the causes of absenteeism and how to combat it and to what extent teachers use the results of student satisfaction surveys to improve their own teaching.

The survey was sent to all ESTEIB and FNB teaching staff via an email sent by the management of the centres.

Survey for companies

The objective of the survey is to identify the degree of satisfaction of companies and entities with the capabilities and skills of students (whether or not they have a degree).

The survey was sent to all companies and entities that participate in the FNB and ETSEIB forum via an email to the contact persons. The email was sent by ASAP-UPC staff.